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,, Basic nutrition rules to leaner you’’.


The spring is almost upon us, so naturally many of us starting preparing for summer (holidays, weddings, etc.).We increasing time spend in the GYM, outdoor classes and workouts in hope that we lose a few kilograms, tide up/shape up problematic parts of body. I would like to give you advice what to eat to make the most of your workouts and achieve summer goals.

Let’s start from beginning;
-the most common mistake with diet/nutrition is eating only 2-3 meals a day. Everyone who does it, automatically massively slow down their metabolism and contradict all hard work in the GYM (where we trying to speed up our resting metabolic rate).You should eat 5-6 meals/snack a day in regular 2-3h intervals.

-size matters-make sure that you eat a small portions, never eat to feel full and lazy

-try eat meals/snacks, which are made from fresh veg, fish, lean meat, fruits, etc., ideally by you (then you are sure what is inside), with short preparation time. I believe that any meal, which takes longer than 30 min. to make, is losing quite a lot of nutrients and probably is quite unhealthy because of cooking methods. Try to eat as much fresh salads as possible, avoid- processed food, fast foods, etc.

-try to limit your carbs intake to 2 meals a day. Most of my clients have sitting/office jobs and most likely don’t need as much calories as they deliver. Some time ago American trainers started forcing fashion of not eating carbs after 5pm, you can argue that it doesn’t matter when you deliver your calories as long you keep to your limits. Personally, I believe to eat your carbs in the morning and in the early afternoon.

-remember that, good fats’’ are better for you than carbs, they are making you feel fuller for longer and don’t give you sugar rush and mess up insulin levels

-drink plenty of water, more than 3l a day(tea and coffee don’t count as they make you dehydrated),if your training is intense or with big volume-drink more than 4,5l of water a day.30% of GYM users are dehydrated even before they start exercising. If you are feeling thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

-cut out from your diet:
1) alcohol (as much as you can manage, if you can’t at least limit it and/or replace wine and beer with white spirits-vodka, gin, which are less calorific) ,each glass of wine is about 200-300empty calories, pint is about 200-250 empty calories
2) Fizzy drinks and energy drinks (they usually full of sugar and you don’t need them if your training is shorter than 1.5h),
3) Fruit’s juices –again they full of sugar and messing up your insulin level,
4) Sweets, cakes, etc.

-don’t be afraid of supplements:
1) CLA, L-carnitine and green tea are natural supplements, which help you to burn fat. Black coffee drank 30min.before training helps you with keeping up with session as well as better fat burning
2)whey protein helps you to rebuild damage during training muscle fibres and makes you feel fuller for longer as protein are hard to digest
3) Glutamine, HMB, BCAA help you to regenerate your body faster
4) Creatine monohydrate and CEE creatine, ZMA  helps you with strength and size, if you think of leaner look, rather use CEE which doesn’t absorbs so much water
5) Pre-workout NOs formulae, help you to have more energy/power during training, helps you not minimize negative impact of cortisol on your muscles during and after GYM session
6) Use proper fat burners, if you really want to help/speed up burning process.

Just remember all supplements in the world without hard training and good, clean diet won’t do anything for you and will be only waste of your money. This takes me to conclusion that most of us don’t realise how hard/often they have to work out and how strict diet have to be to get results they want.018


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March 9, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0